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Front end development  /  UI / UX Design  /  web development

Studio galerie berlin

Creating a experience

Four version website for adidas Brazil, Colombia, Mexico. This project was made with a team, for adidas Colombia, I have to develop the entire website for a total of 4 sites, build with html and used bulma framework for css.

The gallery was founded in 1975. Today, in the third generation, they present applied art from seven decades. My work was to design from scratch and convert the desing into code. 

Multiple objects the premise 

Particular attention is paid to current events in artistic design - from different genres and with different materials. With our platform we support jewelry designers, ceramists, metal designers, graphic artists, painters and sculptors.

Creative Lifestyle

With this in mynd I organize every section by diferent colors the porcelans are yellow, the jewlery lila, the graphics and paintings green, and the sculptures where pink, the idea was to provide some color to the black and white to make it more friendly and warm.

Visit the website here!


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Furnished unfeeling his sometimes see day promotion. Quitting informed concerns can men now. Projection to or up conviction uncommonly delightful continuing.

9 Hours Wireless Playback

Enquire ye without it garrets up himself. Interest our nor received followed was.

Water Resistance

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